Monday, November 28, 2016

Let's see what's out there!

With the valley experiences come the mountain top views, should you not give up! 
We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy. Colossians 1:11
Check out this song
Who's that girl in the video? Here's more about her ~ Be blessed & bless someone else!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

First Time Home Buyers

First time Home Buyers! 

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” — Maya Angelou 

To buy it or not?
Quetel Family celebrating their first home! 
That is the question!
They look upon the house in wonderment.
Should this be it or not?
It's the first one I have seen, can it be that simple?
Sometimes it is and sometimes it's not!
Some buyers will want to look at every house on the market.
Yet a great agent, yes me, will know if it is the right house or not.
You shouldn't have to look at every house on the market to know if it is or not.
Home sweet home will be just the one, you will feel it as soon as you pull up.
Trust your instincts and feel your gut.
Trust us your professional realtor, because we will help you find just the home.
It is our pride and joy to help you get the house to create the memories that make it your home!

Be blessed & bless someone else,
Lori Alvarez

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Rain Rain Go Away ....

Rain Rain Go Away

Thanks Warren Buffett 

Did you know that rain is a great thing for our land.
rainy porches bring moments of calm..
Did you know rain is great for our the earths nourishment.
Did you know rain is great for your landscaping.
Did you know rain is great for the washing away of uck.. yup I said uck.
Did you know rain is great for the trees and the bushes.
Did you know it is even great for a person.
And yet rain is tough on a realtor...
And our open houses....
And our signs...
And the washing away of our signs....
Oh yeah and the mess it tracks in a home on open house...
So rain, rain, rain stay away until 4 pm....
So this girl and her team can stay in business just a short while longer........

Rain Rain Go least until 4 pm today!

Video courtesy of the Horvath Family and their front porch!

Be blessed and bless someone else!
Lori Alvarez 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Finding your dream home!

Finding your dream home! 

Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. Thanks Billy Graham

It's much like falling in love!
My first home! 
You just know it when it happens! 
You just feel it inside you! 
You just taste it! 
You just see it! 
You just make it happen! 
You will do whatever it takes to create a life in it! 
You can't stop thinking about it! 
Then you get it! 
Oh boy whats next?! 
The anticipation, the excitement, and the allure of all it promises! 
That is what it is to find your dream home! 
So don't give up just make it happen, it's where you are suppose to be! 

Follow me to your dream home! Everyone starts somewhere! We are just a call away! 

Be blessed & bless someone else, 
Lori Alvarez 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

To do list!

To do list who needs it give me a give thanks list! 
I love you Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18:1-2
Who's that girl in the video? Here's more about her ~ Be blessed & bless someone else!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thankful for your family!

Giving Thanks

Grateful ~ Grateful ~ In Gratitude 

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend" Thanks Beattie 

Together we give thanks, because of you! 

There is so many reasons to gather for the thanksgiving holiday. Our history has repeatedly show many reasons for the holiday and all that it represents. All over the world they celebrate Thanksgiving at different times and in different ways and yet the basic idea is the same, give thanks! Know this year when I sit to rest with my family and share such a holiday as this with them, I will be thanking you! Why you ask? I am abundantly thankful for all the families that have trusted and worked with me repeatedly. According to the National Association of Realtors,  only 12% or a variation of that, can you believe that. All I can say is that you all continuously choose to work with us or trust us to work with your friends and family. That is such a blessing to us, a joy to be honest. Every time we gather with you all at our annual client appreciation events, it is so fun to see all your friends and family members come together and celebrate! We are blessed to work with you each and everyone of you and especially enjoy when you attend the client party! So we will see you at the next Annual Client Appreciation Event in early spring! We can't wait to surprise you all with next years event. In the meantime know that I give thanks personally of your continued trust and repeat business and referrals. I am blessed to be in business with you and have you all become friends! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! 

Be blessed and bless someone else, 
Lori Alvarez 

PS I ask in advance for for forgiveness in the grammatical errors. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Fear or Faith it's your choice

Fear or Faith it's your choice

In need of prayer - stop here! 
My meditation this week is on this particular mindset or belief. I realized without risk there is no reason for faith. Without fear there is no reason for faith. So how do you decide to choose faith? For me personally it comes down to my belief that my God is bigger than any fear I may have. What are the fears I deal with; rejection is big - come on I am a realtor and things people say to realtors are just amazing! Its almost as if we aren't people right? Maybe we aren't and I just haven't realized it yet! Then of course there is the general thought process of I am not good enough and I have to set it aside, that comes from the enemy! So know matter where I am in life and what is happening I just need to remember my God is small, if I am allowing my fears to outweigh His mighty power. So I choose today faith because my God is bigger than any fear out there! 

What do you choose?

Be blessed and bless someone else,
Lori Alvarez  

Smile vs Scowl

What do you prefer a smile or a scowl? 
I know I love smiling! When I learn someone is not into religion or God for that matter because they can be two different things, I get it and I shine the only way I know how to, by loving on them! I encourage you to shine brightly as well for our all powerful God and let him do the rest! 
Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! Sing about the glory of his name! Tell the world how glorious he is! Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds!" Psalm 66:1-3
Who's that girl in the video? Here's more about her ~ Be blessed & bless someone else!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I've got your reusable bags!

Where's the bags?! We have them for all our clients!! Let us know if you need them, stop by the office! We love you guys and don't believe you should have to pay for them!!! #bagsforourclients #lorialvarezandteam #weappreciateourclients

Where's the bags?! 

With all that is going on in the political arena, I just wanted to come from contribution! So for my valued clients here is gift from us to you! We have them for all our clients!! Let us know if you need them, stop by the office 1920 E. Route 66 Gendora, CA! We love you guys and don't believe you should have to pay for them!!! #bagsforourclients #lorialvarezandteam #weappreciateourclients


Thursday, November 17, 2016

A classic home just waiting for you to add your renovations to it!

Check out our newest historic home for sale! 
765 W. 22nd St Upland, Ca 
With just a little tender loving care this home will be ready to move in! Call us at 909-227-4196 today for your private tour! you can also find it at
 #LorisListings #Upland #homeforsale #historichomes #familywanted 
Hasta Pronto! Lori Alvarez & Team, kw Realty CalBRE 01794115 click on the link for my action packed video


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Is your Love Unconditional?

So I hear how have you made it 22 years with your hubby? Why do you still look so happy? Well we have been married 18 years and counting, been together 22 or so years, and known each other for 36 years! That's a long time could that be what it is?! I don't believe that is what has kept us together! Is it the fact that we have four amazing sons, oh no, if anything that has challenged us to grow even more uncomfortable! Doesn't it you? What I think has done it for us and we are still babies.... So check back in another 20 years and see what you think.......

(This is us on our 18th anniversary - having fun on the Napa Train Wine tour) 

I read this today (I'm a big reader)......

“When love is unconditional, there’s no attachment, expectation, hidden agenda, or bookkeeping of who gives what to whom. Our love is unconditional for whatever we are and whatever they are. It is given without requirements. No strings are attached. We don’t expect anything back when giving. We have surrendered all conscious and unconscious expectations of the other person.”

Excerpt From: David R. Hawkins. “Letting Go.” Hay House, 2013-08-19. iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.

It challenged me to think deeper and feel deeper. It made me realize that love isn't an emotion (I remember a brilliant man share this with me). I realized that keeping our emotions between the lines - keeping them in check when they want to go wild right! It is what makes your willingness to stay committed make sense. Then you take that another step further right....God knows all and He is so right on with this one! What an affirmation. 

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV

So true and when you are these this is what allows for you to let go of those moments that hurt, those times when you want to say "for get it" "they aren't worth it" .... because I'm worth more. Not to say you aren't an yet when you set "you" aside and love all others unconditionally then the world just makes a little more sense. 

Is your love conditional or unconditional? 

May I just be one step close to unconditional love, that is my prayer for today! 

(Disclaimer - if your being physically / mentally abused that is a different forgiveness and you should seek professional help in that area......I'm no professional in those areas.) 

Be blessed & bless someone else today! 

About the Author – Lori Alvarez is the CEO of Lori Alvarez & Team, kw Realty, Glendora who has been building her family legacy since February 2007. Where by the blessings and graces of God she has taken her team to be #1 TOP AGENT in Listing and / or Sales Agent for 2011/2012/2013/2014/2015 in her Glendora office. She uses the MREA (Millionaire Real Estate Agent) models as an operations manual, many other amazing mentors, and her faith in God! Lori Alvarez can be reached by e-mail at OR friend me on facebook OR Tweets available on Twitter! However my favorite is by phone at 909-227-4196Rock with us on Youtube - click here!  To check out Lori's Listings click here!  How can we help you make your next real estate move? 

'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11