Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day! Did you know ~ the placement of your BBQ is regulated?

Happy Memorial Day! There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends,  John 15:13. As we spend sometime together honoring our veteran's around the BBQ enjoy and think about this!

So here it is a good friend of mine is stuck battling the City due to the location of their beautiful built in custom BBQ! (Hope they aren't reading this? Haha I know they are!) Or you just bought your home and you have BIG plans, here comes the additions. Maybe you need those new windows or repair / replace the roof because it's been 20+ years since one has been put on. What do we do, where do we go, whom do we call?

It is so important that you investigate all areas of concern before making changes. What to do if you decide you would prefer to renovate or add on square footage to the house instead of just buying a larger home. When adding on to the home you should know a permit is necessary to: build an addition, remodel, or alter your house. Installing a retaining wall or removing it. Replacing or relocating the water heater. Replacing, repair, or recover the roof. Replace, add or retrofit windows. Build (ouch custom BBQ!) or remove a patio cover, balcony or deck. Installing a pool or spa (even above ground). Add a new electrical circuit or extend existing one. Upgrading, repairing, or relocating an electrical panel. That seems like an excessive list, however the purpose of the permit is to assure that construction complies with the Uniform Codes adopted by many cities (please verify with your local city code ordinances). The above mentioned are courtesy of the City of San Dimas (for permit info click here)  to protect health and safety, general welfare and your investment in your property. 

Where in the world do you go to get all the support necessary to do such an addition / renovation. Well first things first you might want to put together a list (for the non artistic person) or draw out a picture of what you envision (if your somewhat artsy), don't make it too elaborate, at some point you will probably be hiring an architect.  Next steps should realistically be a call into your local city planning / housing department to run your thoughts by them on what you are considering doing and if they have any suggestions and what the costs might be for necessary permits. I am most positive they will have suggestions and charges. Then after that you might want to check in with a few various licensed professionals in different types of fields to get their feedback / estimates.

So what professionals should you call? Once connected with the City to verify what they require and what is possible with your renovation or addition will vary to certain degrees. Then it is the
He can do it all OR can he?
professionals to choose. A licensed general contractor, an architect, and your on to the next step. Or maybe you don't want to hire the general contractor who handles it all. However you do want to get some support in specialty fields, like an electrician, roofer, or other type of professional. Make sure to reach out to trusted resources such as; searching the Internet and call around to ask for referrals. Whatever you do don't hurry this part for it's important for you take the time to investigate the professional of choice before hiring them, you do want to know they are a true craftsman.

When you are ready to bring on that professional don't forget, Lori Alvarez & Team are your trusted professional with the resources you need. We are daily building our database with professionals in almost any field. Whenever we do refer a professional out we are sure to follow up and see how it went, if there is ever a complaint off the list they go! So when you are ready to do that project or ready to make that move....Call us at Lori Alvarez & Team! We are called to serve! 

Happy Memorial day! 
Enjoy the family next to that permitted BBQ!

About the Author Lori Alvarez is the CEO of Lori Alvarez & Team, kw Realty Glendora who has been building her family legacy since February 2007.   Where by the blessings and graces of God she has taken her team to be #1 Listing and Sales Agent for 2011/2012 in her Glendora office.  She uses the MREA (Millionaire Real Estate Agent) models as an operations manual and many other amazing mentors and her faith in her Great God! Lori Alvarez can be reached by e-mail at OR friend me on facebook OR Tweets available on Twitter! However my favorite is by phone at 909-227-4196!

'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

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